Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Site Strategy Post: Manhattan Site

1- Where is the approach?(pedestrian and vehicular)
Pedestrian and Vehicular circulation happens on all four sides of th site. Pedestrian circulation happens within 20 feet approximate from each side.

2- Will people walk, take taxis, public transportation?
It is more likely that the people residing or visiting will walk to take the public transportation a few blocks away. In any case, if taxi is the means of transportation for some, the taxi cabs will most likely appear on the FDR drive side.

3- Where is the quietest side or noisiest?
The quietest side is is located on the right side on the site and the noisiest is on the north side because of vehicular transportation on the FDR Drive.

4- Are there views?
There is the view of the Brooklyn bridge on the South of the site. On the left there is a few dining areas.

5- Are these views good or bad?
The views on the North and West side of the site are good because you have the view of the city. The right side is not as great because there is only the presence of a large mural covering the building neighboring the site.

6- Where will you enter the building-why?
The main entrances of the building will be on the left and right side of the building. The property is slightly long and two entrances on each side would be best. There might also be an entrance of the north side of the builging, but that is weather i decide to add the gym area on the first floor of the building.\

7- How do you attempt to fit your building on this site?
The site is about 66'-0" wide and about 142'-0" long. My building has a length of about 45' wide and 120' long.

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